No Quota Imposed on CLP Exam
From eLawyer website
Following the hot issue of complaint by UUM law graduates recently, the result of Certificate in Legal Practice (CLP) exam this year is released yesterday.
The CLP exam’s director, K. Muniandy told the local newspaper, The Star that CLP exam candidates “are judged solely on their knowledge and merit and not on any quota system”, he further said that the “paper setters and markers did not know the candidates’ names as only their index numbers appeared on the answer scripts.”
He emphasised that there is no racial quota imposed on the exam system. Most students failed were because they did not answer the question in a practical manner, sometimes they just regurgitated the information that they memorised or were giving answer which were totally not related to the legal issues.
Muniandy also said that he has reduced the risk of leakage of exam questions by minimising the staffs involved in preparing the exam papers.
CLP exam is notorious for its ridiculously low passing rate (usually 10 - 20%), based on an open letter entitled “Purpose of CLP Exam- you tell me” publishes in Malaysiakini, the passing rate for 2006 exam was about 10% i.e. over 1,000 candidates only 107 of them passed.
Many romours were spread about the lack of transparency in handling the exam. Such emotion is even drastic when in 2001, the ex-director, Khalid Yusof was charged to has tempered with the mark of CLP exam result.
In fact, the Legal Qualifying Board was also sued by 5 candidates few years ago who allegedly involved in purchasing the exam papers before the actual exam date from an employee of the Board.
We hope the proposed Common Bar Examination will create a new chapter in the legal profession and the main thing is to eliminate the lack of transperant image hounted by the CLP exam.
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