I have a few takes on this;
First of all, the Bar did not mention anything as to why UUM is not recognised. Meaning - not reasoned decision, at least to the most affected parties i.e. the UUM students. Now, is that transparent? Is that to be expected of the Bar Council?
CLP notoriously alledgely having a low passing rate, rightly or wrongly. Then at least tell the world why it is so. Saying ‘we strive to ensure the quality of the Bar’ or something like that is inadequate.
CBE and CBC? Learn the mistakes from CLP before screwing up again.
It is the reasonably expected level of a propecting chambering student but not other factors that matters. If UUM or those who failed CLP cannot attain the reasonably expected standard of a propecting chambering student, say it so and tell us all why.
Come on, you are the torch bearer, show some higher standard.
And i am not even saying this as a part of legal fraternity.
This is my say as a citizen and a stake holder of this country
And i stand to be corrected.
Hi Yuen Hong
Just to correct something. It is not the Bar Council that decides on the recognition of qualifications for the purposes of admission. It is a completely different entity, the Legal Profession Qualifying Board, that decides on this by virtue of the Legal Profession Act (LPA). More information of the Board is found in Part II of the LPA and the Board is essentially made up of:
a. the Attorney General who is the Chairman;b. two judges nominated by the Chief Justice;c. the Chairman of the Bar Council; andd. a Dean of the Faculty of Law nominated by the Minister of Education.
The CLP is also conducted by the Board by virtue of s.5(e) of the LPA.
I do agree that the Board should be more transparent in providing reasons for their decisions.
Hi , young man . Please don’t make the common mistake of allowing oneself to be crowded by emotion that would obscure your objectivity if you don’t mind me saying .
Try to gather more correct facts before you commence any allegation of the unsubstantiated sorts . Apply one’s legal training 7 education into daily practical life as you may chose .
It’s entirely your own choice .
No offence is meant , to any body .
In bone fide .
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