Friday, April 24, 2009

FROM ELAWYER: Recognisation of the UUM law degree by the LPQB

Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa pengiktirafan program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Undang-undang (Kepujian), oleh Lembaga Kelayakan Profesion Undang-undang, Malaysia telah pun diwartakan pada 16 April 2009 dalam warta kerajaan P.U.(B)119 berkenaan pemberitahuan di bawah Seksyen 3 Akta Profesion Undang-undang 1976 [Akta 166].

Notifikasi ini melayakkan pelajar Undang-undang yang telah tamat pengajian Ijazah Sarjana Muda Undang-undang (Kepujian), Universiti Utara Malaysia untuk menjalani latihan guaman mereka (chambering) bermula pada tarikh tersebut.

Universiti Utara Malaysia mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah memberikan kerjasama dan sokongan dalam usaha untuk mendapat pengiktirafan profesional ini.

Daripada:Prof. Madya Dr Asmah Laili Hj YeonPenolong Naib CanselorKolej Undang-undang, Kerajaan dan Pengajian AntarabangsaUniversiti Utara Malaysia

PRESS STATEMENT on 23 April 2009 (English transalation)
This is to inform that the recognition of Law Degree (Honours) programme by the Legal Profession Qualifying Board Malaysia have been gazetted on 16 April 2009 in government gazette P. U. (B)119 pertaining to notification under Section 3 of the Legal Profession Act 1976 [Act 166].

This notification qualifies law student who has completed from the Law Degree (Honours) from University Utara Malaysia to undergo pupilage in chamber starting from the date mentioned herein.

University Utara Malaysia express thousands gratitude for those who have rendered cooperation and support in the effort of obtaining this professional recognition.

From:Associates Professor Dr. Asmah Laili Hj YeonAssistant Vice-ChancellorCollege of Law, Government and International StudiesUniversiti Utara Malaysia

We have further made a call to UUM and have spoken to one of the officer who verified that the press statement was indeed true and we were informed that the same was also reported by 2 local Malay newspaper Kosmo on 18 April and Sinar Harian on 19 April 2009.
You may also read more about this news in the PROUUM Online.

Under section 10 of the Legal Professiona Act:” The High Court may at its discretion and subject to the Act admits as an advocate and solicitor of the High Court -
(a) any qualified person; and (b) any articled clerk who has complied with section 25…”
Section 3 of the Act defines the “qualified person” as any person who-“(a) has pass the final examination leading to the degreee of Bachelor of Laws of the University Malaya, the University of Malaya in Singapore, the Univeristy of Singapore or the National University of Singapore;
(b) is a barrister-at-law of England;
(c) is in possession of such other qualification as may by notification in the Gazette be declared by the Board to be sufficient to make a person a qualified person for the purpose of this Act”

As such, this case is likely to fall under section 3 (c) of the Act and the relevant UUM law graduates may need to wait for the LPQB to declare them as qualified person before they can proceed to undergoing pupilage in chamber.

Based on our understanding, there were 3 batches of law graduates from UUM thus far. Is this meant that all the previous and future UUM law graduates with honours degree are now qualified to undergoing pupilage in chamber without the need to pass the CLP Exam? or it only applies to the law students who graduate after the gezzatted date?
Graduan Undang-Undang UUM Layak Jalani Latihan Dalam Kamar
16 APRIL 2009 / 20 RABIULAKHIR 1430H
"UUM: UNIVERSITI PILIHAN UTAMA" (FIRST CHOICE UNIVERSITY) PROUUM ONLINE, 16 April: Graduan program Undang-Undang Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) kini layak menjalani latihan dalam kamar, apabila Lembaga Kelayakan Profesion Undang-Undang Malaysia memberi kelulusan tersebut minggu lalu.
Penolong Naib Canselor UUM College of Law, Government and International Studies (UUM COLGIS) Prof Madya Dr Asmah Laili Yeon berkata, kelulusan itu membolehkan graduan UUM diterima masuk sebagai peguambela dan peguamcara.
Bagaimanapun, katanya, semua graduan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Undang-undang dengan Kepujian (LL.B) (Hons) UUM perlu menunggu sehingga keputusan itu diwartakan seperti termaktub dalam Akta Profesion Undang-Undang 1976 (Akta 166).
"Selepas pemberitahuan tersebut diwartakan dan berkuatkuasa yang dijangka dalam seminggu dua ini, para graduan Undang-Undang UUM dianggap sebagai 'orang yang berkelayakan' bagi maksud Akta 166 di mana graduan Undang-Undang UUM boleh menjalani latihan dalam kamar atau chambering.
"Graduan UUM yang telah menamatkan pengajian mereka hanya perlu menunggu notifikasi daripada Lembaga Kelayakan Profesion Undang-Undang membuat notifikasi terlebih dahulu," katanya.
Sebelum ini graduan Undang-Undang UUM tidak dibenarkan untuk menjadi peguambela atau peguamcara, walaupun Program Undang-Undang ini telah mendapat akreditasi dari Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA) pada 26 Oktober 2007.
Oleh sebab program profesional ini perlu menunggu kelulusan dari Lembaga Profesion Undang-Undang Malaysia, graduan sulung UUM tidak dibenarkan untuk membuat latihan dalam kamar, sekali gus tidak boleh menjadi peguam bela atau peguamcara. Dr Asmah berkata, kelulusan ini memberi kelegaan kepada graduan sulung yang dikeluarkan UUM tahun lalu dan pelajar Undang-Undang UUM.
Dr Asmah berkata, kelulusan Lembaga Kelayakan Profesion Undang-Undang ini memberi kelegaan kepada semua graduan, pelajar dan ibu bapa.
"Pelajar, ibu bapa dan graduan mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Jabatan Peguam Negara, Majlis Peguam Malaysia, Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia dan semua Jawatankuasa Pengiktirafan kerana meletakkan program undang-undang UUM setaraf dengan universiti lain.
"Pihak Universiti berharap dengan kenyataan ini dapat menyelesaikan isu dan dilema berkaitan graduan Undang-Undang UUM yang menghadapi kesukaran dalam kerjaya bidang guaman," katanya. Habis.
TEL : 04-9283014 / 3066 / 4078
FAX : 04-9283016

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


UUM LLB (Hons) has been recognized and gazetted in Legal Profession Act 1976

P.U. (B) 119.
Pemberitahuan di bawah Seksyen 3

Pada menjalankan kuasa yang diberikan oleh perenggan (c) takrif “orang berkelayakan” dalam seksyen 3 Akta Profesion Undang-Undang 1976 [Akta 166], Lembaga Kelayakan mengisytiharkan bahawa mana-mana orang yang telah lulus peperiksaan akhir yang dikendalikan oleh institusi yang dinyatakan dalam ruang (1) Jadual yang membawa kepada kelulusan yang dinyatakan dalam ruang (2) ialah orang berkelayakan bagi maksud Akta mulai dari tarikh yang dinyatakan dalam ruang (3).


Institusi: Universiti Utara Malaysia

Kelulusan: Ijazah Sarjana Muda Undang-Undang (Kepujian)

Tarikh: 16 Mac 2008

Notification under Section 3

In exercise of the powers conferred by paragraph (c) of the definition of “qualified person” in section 3 of the Legal Profession Act 1976 [Act 166], the Qualifying Board declares that any person who has passed the final examination conducted by the institutions specified in column (1) of the Schedule leading to the qualification specified in column (2) is a qualified person for the purposes of the Act with effect from the date specified in column (3).


Institution: Universiti Utara Malaysia

Qualification: Degree of Bachelor of Laws (Honours)

Date: 16 March 2008

Bertarikh 15 April 2009
Dated 15 April 2009
[LK/SAG/7-1A & 7-1C; PN(PU2)314/IX]

Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail
Lembaga Kelayakan/Qualifying Board

Please view

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Sorry guys. I know it had been a long time I did not post anything in my blog. It is not that I am running out of ideas, issues or stories to share and discuss.

It is just that I had been very busy for the past 2 months.

Anyway, now (well, at least for the time being) I am quite free and hopefully within this few days, at least I have something already lah posted here.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Dipetik dari Berita Harian

SAYA ingin merujuk kepada aduan 'Siswa Kecewa' pada 2 Mac lalu bertajuk 'Siswa kecewa Majlis Peguam tak iktiraf lulusan UUM'. Pengadu membangkitkan mengapa program Sarjana Muda Undang-Undang Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) belum diiktiraf, sedangkan graduan sulungnya sekarang boleh mendapat pekerjaan dalam agensi kerajaan, mahupun swasta atau menyambung pengajian pada peringkat lebih tinggi tetapi belum boleh bekerja dalam bidang guaman. Untuk pengetahuan, program berkenaan mendapat akreditasi Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA) pada 26 Oktober 2007. UUM College of Law, Government and International Studies (UUM Colgis) bersama Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi sedang berunding dengan Majlis Peguam dan Pejabat Peguam Negara untuk mendapatkan pengiktirafan program berkenaan.

Ia bermakna UUM menunggu keputusan pengiktirafan profesional Lembaga Kelayakan Profesion Undang-Undang Malaysia. UUM Colgis turut memaklumkan rintihan siswa kepada Lembaga Kelayakan Profesion Undang-Undang Malaysia kerana belum mengiktiraf program berkenaan. Pihak UUM berharap pelajar Undang-Undang UUM bersabar sementara menunggu keputusan pengiktirafan itu.
Penolong Naib Canselor UUM Colgis Sintok, Kedah.

Siswa kecewa Majlis Peguam tak iktiraf lulusan UUM

Dipetik dari Berita Harian

SEBAGAI graduan undang-undang Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), saya dapati sejak tahun lalu hingga kini tiada kemajuan dan keputusan muktamad diberi Majlis Peguam dan Lembaga Kelayakan mengenai pengiktirafan Ijazah Undang-Undang UUM. Orang ramai tentu terkejut apabila mendapati program ditawarkan universiti tempatan tiada pengiktirafan. Jika tidak diiktiraf, mengapa UUM masih menawarkan kursus ini? Justeru, bagaimanakah masyarakat boleh menaruh kepercayaan terhadap sistem pendidikan universiti tempatan?

Sebenarnya, UUM dilengkapi kemudahan bertaraf antarabangsa dan jam kredit pelajar 173 jam (tidak termasuk tutor) atau skop pelajaran setaraf universiti lain. Tahun lalu kumpulan guaman dan Majlis Peguam menguji kelayakan pelajar dan pensyarah Undang-Undang UUM. Atas permintaan mereka, kami menyertai taklimat motivasi selama tiga hari. Kami sudah melanjutkan pelajaran di UUM empat tahun. Banyak tekanan dan kesusahan dihadapi daripada pelbagai pihak kerana program undang-undang UUM baru diisytihar pada 2003. Orang luar lebih gemar mengambil graduan universiti lain yang lebih terkenal.

Oleh itu, graduan undang-undang UUM perlu berusaha lebih tekun dan gigih. Meskipun bergelar graduan, kami gagal mendapatkan pekerjaan dalam bidang guaman kerana ijazah UUM masih tidak diiktirafkan Majlis Peguam dan Lembaga Kelayakan untuk membolehkan kami menjalani latihan pupilage sembilan bulan. Pihak terbabit melengahkan keputusan pengecualian pelajar undang-undang UUM daripada peperiksaan Sijil Amalan Undang-Undang.

Sintok, Kedah.

Comments Posted in eLawyer Website

arcangel September 17th, 2008 11:27 am :

My personal opinion(just personal opinion,NO OFFENCE) is abolish that so called clp or cbe examination.Such an unfair and untransparent stuff.Or try to adopt Like UK BVC,everybody whose graduated from law need to do that.fair to everybody.and do it fair with no quata….easier and standardize,private o local do it together…of course whose from local will feel unfair.But don’t think that private are easier to pass.Somehow,the twining programme can just pass like that..zzz…..(if everybody do it together,only those competance candidates can practise in malaysia)i think that is fair enough to everyone.


Janice November 23rd, 2008 12:28 am :

HEI!!! We are STILL left in limbo. there is no answer from any person at all. why the LQB keep on delay the matter. Who is the victims here? Don’t they realise? Please “BUAT KERJA”.


adrif sina December 25th, 2008 1:25 pm :

that’s the problem with the legal system in malaysia…i’m quite weird of how this course is being offered in UUM since 2003,but,until now,there is no black and white whether can we,the law students in UUM do chambering without taking the CLP?…hopefully,the responsible authorities do something in solving this problem…because we enter into this course with appropriate result…


Janice December 30th, 2008 10:56 am :

Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) had offered Law Programme (LLB) since 2003, this 4 years programme had already cover the Certificate of Legal Practice (CLP) syllabus and to put on a par with UM, UKM, UIA and UITM which means exemption from the CLP examination. On November 2007 the 1st batch of the law graduates was produced with joy. A SWEET DREAM IS SHORT-LIVED. The 1st batch Law Graduates cannot undergo their 9 months pupilage period. Things become worst on June 2008 and November 2008 the 2nd and 3rd batch Law Graduates was produced and they are facing the same problem as their senior till today.

UUM form this programme with a comprehensive plan. To become a Law graduates, ones need to undergo this 4 years programme. The Law Faculty complete the Law graduates with mock-trail practices, mooting competitions and the Law graduates will be send to participate in the Mooting Competitions or Client Counselling Competition organised by other University, so that the Graduates get the opportunities to learn from others and to be more confidence to represent other the next day.

The Programme require the students to undergo 2 times practical training during their semester break in the aim of what the students gain in lecture hall can be put into practice.

I truly appreciate the programme; it is a more advance programme than the others. The Programme completes the students with basic accounting knowledge, computer skills and management ability.
To maintain good relationship with other organisations, the Faculty hold Law Conference, Career Talk, Talk on Contemporary Issues each and every semester. Members from the Bar Council, Representatives from the AG Chambers, and Representatives from Government Organisation as well as private sectors are invited to share their experience and knowledge to the students.

BUT, the abovementioned hard works go down the ‘big’ drain. No matter how hard UUM, the Faculty, Law graduates and students try from first to last its mean nothing for the LQB. The time, money and hard works spend by the lecturers, the Government, the Law graduates and parents mean nothing to the tiger.
Imagine how much money the Government need to spend to produce a University Graduate. The University are required to follow the standard impose by the Ministry of Education and again its mean nothing to the tiger.

If there is any defect in the Law Programme why the tiger keep quite when the Faculty propose the programme to them. Since the Tiger Board is form by experienced members and always prepare to ‘BUAT KERJA’ they should suggest something. The TRUTH is the smiling tiger, hide their TEETH at the back and remain silent.Now, the Law Graduates become the ‘food’. Who is going to give concern when the Graduates’ dream becomes nightmare? The parents are sad, the graduates are frustrated. This is what the smiling tiger with ‘goodwill’ from the Tiger Board want it to be and this is a comedy for the tiger.


Malaysian December 30th, 2008 1:24 pm :

now what? so it is safer to do LLB external and UK transfer programme? Why dun the Bar council or anyone who got anything to do with CLP clarify or published their statements on the newspaper. In this case, they are more accountable if anything happens.


angel January 16th, 2009 10:07 am :

uum students were left in a doubt situation.. then wat abt the UOL external prog grads who obtained 3rd class?????????????
obtaining a 3rd class after spending thousands of ringgit and wasting 4 yrs of their life.. definitely means a full stop to their career… they are left with no other option… no CLP is allowed for them… why are they ignored


janice January 20th, 2009 11:18 am :

Bear in mind tht we enter into this course with appropriate result. each of the UUM law graduates already achieve certain standard that enable them to take this course. Hi, angle, obtaining 3rd class is none of our business, when you decide to enter this course you should prepare to work the study time you can’t even manage your own work and time and this shows in your result means you are not qualified because during the chambering period you are not deals with your own problem but the problem of your master, other senior lawyers and the clerks in your firm. you can’t manage your own things so how about other things which is not related to you.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Dear all UUM law students,

We just formed a UUM LAW STUDENTS group in Friendster. In this critical time, there is a necessity for us to hold a discussion about our law degree recognition by Legal Profession Qualifying Board and Bar Council. For your information, the recognition has been pending for more than one year.

All of you don’t look on with folded arms. Don’t stay in a ‘Comfort Zone’. Don’t think there is still a long way to go before you graduated. As you know, we are unable to pay for Certificate of Legal Profession (CLP) expensive examination’s fee. Not even say it is a piece of cake to score the examination with flying colors. If we are not exempted from CLP examination, do you think that there will be an exception for you?

Everyone please wake up! We refused to resign oneself to death for being waiting for so long! We need to come out with one solution as soonest possible. Please help us to spread this news to all of you. Ask them to join us! The only simple thing that you need to do is email, sms or call them.

Thank you so much for your effort!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Article posted in Malaysia Kini Website

An article has published on Malaysia Kini website. i really hope it will arouse the attention of public. Thank you so much!!!

please view

UUM law grads stuck in a limbo
ZL Feb 26, 09 4:49pm

The Bar Council and the Legal Profession Qualifying Board had sent a professional team to our university, University Utara Malaysia in October 2008 to determine whether our law students should be exempted from the CLP exam. However, what is the final decision made from this ‘long’ evaluation period?

Yes, the Bar Council had since clarified on the matter above but no constructive opinion was given. None of the relevant parties have give us a confirmative answer on when they will reveal the evaluation result.

So many explanations were given by the Bar Council and our university. The university keeps convincing us by saying that they have full confidence they will get the exemption. We have been told this ever since we entered the university in the year of 2004, our first semester in UUM.

They also said they will recognise us as lawyers when the first batch students graduated from UUM. Now, the third batch of law students are going to step out from the university. Nevertheless, they seem only to dismiss us with the same answer!

I’m as one of the UUM law graduates who is truly disappointed with Malaysia’s education system. It has been more than one year since our first batch of seniors graduated in January 2008. What have these responsible parties done during this period?

Struggling with political issues or welfare matters? Shouldn’t they attach importance to the future of the new generations especially undergraduates from local universities like us.

What I can see is that every party only passes the buck to another for example, by saying the power to exempt UUM law graduates from the CLP examination is vested with the Legal Profession Qualifying Board. However, can they do something to expedite this matter?

There are so many rumours from last year saying that a final decision will disclosed soon but when will it be? Why has the Legal Profession Qualifying Board never responded openly to our inquires and questions?

Some of the law courses offered in local universities themselves are not recognised by the government and the Bar Council. How then do parents today pass a motion of confidence in local universities? You can’t blame parents nowadays if they call into question the quality of local universities.

We are really in an awkward situation. Why do local universities offer such law courses as these if the degree recognition is not done from the beginning? I struggled for four years doing my law degree at UUM. Our average credit hours are 157 (exclusive of tutorial hours).

I can say UUM’s law course’s syllabus is no different from other universities. Our university is equipped with the international standard facilities like tutorial rooms, lecture halls, a library and a moot-court. So, why are we being left in limbo for so long?

We are in the middle of sea with nobody being able go ashore. Some of us are from low-income families. We had been studying so hard so that we can support our families when we graduate. However, I can’t see any future when the degree recognition from the Legal Profession Qualifying Board takes more than one year.

We can’t do our pupilage like others and don’t even talk of getting a professional job like a legal assistant. Some of us only work as tuition teachers, clerks in legal firm, salesmen and some are even unemployed.

Doesn’t it sound like a waste of one’s talent when one is equipped with legal knowledge like us? Please consider our situation. Give us an opportunity to prove that we are capable of practicing as an advocate and solicitor in the Malaysian legal profession.

We would be so grateful if you could make our dream come true.

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Power is vested in the Attorney-General, not the Bar Council

Contributed by Roger Tan

Sunday, 22 February 2009 01:16pm

©The Sunday Star (Used by permission)

WITH reference to the letter by WKL of Penang in The Star, February 19 (“UUM law grads still awaiting reply from Bar Council”), I wish to clarify on behalf of the Bar Council that the power to exempt Universiti Utara Malaysia law graduates from the Certificate of Legal Practice examination is vested with the Legal Profession Qualifying Board chaired by the Attorney-General, and not the Bar Council.On Aug 24, 2008, 10 senior legal practitioners, together with other evaluators from the Judiciary and the Attorney-General’s chambers, all appointed by the Board, visited Universiti Utara Malaysia in Sintok, Kedah, and then Multi-media University in Malacca on Sept 3, 2008, to determine if UUM and MMU law graduates should be exempt from the CLP examination.

We have already made our recommendations to the Board, and it is for the Board to decide.

ROGER TAN, Malaysian Bar Evaluation Team head, Kuala Lumpur.



written by Stephen Tan Ban Cheng, Sunday, February 22 2009 09:19 pm

My dear Roger
Are you telling us that a Malaysian university whose establishment has been authorised by statute has actually conferred law degrees and therefore produced law graduates without the PRIOR permission of the authorities concerned? Isn't that a scandal of sorts? It's just like putting the cart before the horse. A course of action that our good old Tunku will describe as OTC or "otak tak centre"! But then again, what is such a scandals compared to others still evolving? And the good old Tunku is no longer with us.

Stephen Tan Ban Cheng

Thursday February 19, 2009

UUM law grads still awaiting reply from Bar Council

IN response to my letter last year “UUM law grads left in limbo” (The Star, Sept 10), the Bar Council on Sept 11 said the law degree awarded by Universiti Utara Malaysia was being evaluated by the council for the purpose of exemption from the Certificate of Legal Practice exam, and that a decision would be given within a few months from then.

In the meantime, UUM asserted that its degree was of the same standard as that of other universities and that it was confident of obtaining the exemption.

However, it is almost six months now and no further news has come from the council.

The students were offered places in the University by the Govern­ment. Therefore, it is obvious for one to expect that the exemption would be granted as is done for law graduates from other government universities.

The course was introduced six years ago. Since then, two batches have graduated while many others are still pursuing the four-year course. Many of the graduates and students are from the lower income families from kampongs, new villages and plantations. And they would be expected to get suitable jobs to support their families, especially during these hard times.

However, for the last two years, some of these graduates had to work as tuition teachers while waiting for an answer from the Bar Council.

It is very stressful for parents and their children, especially during times of economic and employment uncertainties. The delay is becoming quite unbearable.

I realise that, recently, the council is quite busy with the many subjects of national interest. I hope this matter involving the future of hundreds of young people has not been somehow overlooked.

WKL, Penang.