Sunday, March 8, 2009


Dipetik dari Berita Harian

SAYA ingin merujuk kepada aduan 'Siswa Kecewa' pada 2 Mac lalu bertajuk 'Siswa kecewa Majlis Peguam tak iktiraf lulusan UUM'. Pengadu membangkitkan mengapa program Sarjana Muda Undang-Undang Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) belum diiktiraf, sedangkan graduan sulungnya sekarang boleh mendapat pekerjaan dalam agensi kerajaan, mahupun swasta atau menyambung pengajian pada peringkat lebih tinggi tetapi belum boleh bekerja dalam bidang guaman. Untuk pengetahuan, program berkenaan mendapat akreditasi Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA) pada 26 Oktober 2007. UUM College of Law, Government and International Studies (UUM Colgis) bersama Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi sedang berunding dengan Majlis Peguam dan Pejabat Peguam Negara untuk mendapatkan pengiktirafan program berkenaan.

Ia bermakna UUM menunggu keputusan pengiktirafan profesional Lembaga Kelayakan Profesion Undang-Undang Malaysia. UUM Colgis turut memaklumkan rintihan siswa kepada Lembaga Kelayakan Profesion Undang-Undang Malaysia kerana belum mengiktiraf program berkenaan. Pihak UUM berharap pelajar Undang-Undang UUM bersabar sementara menunggu keputusan pengiktirafan itu.
Penolong Naib Canselor UUM Colgis Sintok, Kedah.

Siswa kecewa Majlis Peguam tak iktiraf lulusan UUM

Dipetik dari Berita Harian

SEBAGAI graduan undang-undang Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), saya dapati sejak tahun lalu hingga kini tiada kemajuan dan keputusan muktamad diberi Majlis Peguam dan Lembaga Kelayakan mengenai pengiktirafan Ijazah Undang-Undang UUM. Orang ramai tentu terkejut apabila mendapati program ditawarkan universiti tempatan tiada pengiktirafan. Jika tidak diiktiraf, mengapa UUM masih menawarkan kursus ini? Justeru, bagaimanakah masyarakat boleh menaruh kepercayaan terhadap sistem pendidikan universiti tempatan?

Sebenarnya, UUM dilengkapi kemudahan bertaraf antarabangsa dan jam kredit pelajar 173 jam (tidak termasuk tutor) atau skop pelajaran setaraf universiti lain. Tahun lalu kumpulan guaman dan Majlis Peguam menguji kelayakan pelajar dan pensyarah Undang-Undang UUM. Atas permintaan mereka, kami menyertai taklimat motivasi selama tiga hari. Kami sudah melanjutkan pelajaran di UUM empat tahun. Banyak tekanan dan kesusahan dihadapi daripada pelbagai pihak kerana program undang-undang UUM baru diisytihar pada 2003. Orang luar lebih gemar mengambil graduan universiti lain yang lebih terkenal.

Oleh itu, graduan undang-undang UUM perlu berusaha lebih tekun dan gigih. Meskipun bergelar graduan, kami gagal mendapatkan pekerjaan dalam bidang guaman kerana ijazah UUM masih tidak diiktirafkan Majlis Peguam dan Lembaga Kelayakan untuk membolehkan kami menjalani latihan pupilage sembilan bulan. Pihak terbabit melengahkan keputusan pengecualian pelajar undang-undang UUM daripada peperiksaan Sijil Amalan Undang-Undang.

Sintok, Kedah.

Comments Posted in eLawyer Website

arcangel September 17th, 2008 11:27 am :

My personal opinion(just personal opinion,NO OFFENCE) is abolish that so called clp or cbe examination.Such an unfair and untransparent stuff.Or try to adopt Like UK BVC,everybody whose graduated from law need to do that.fair to everybody.and do it fair with no quata….easier and standardize,private o local do it together…of course whose from local will feel unfair.But don’t think that private are easier to pass.Somehow,the twining programme can just pass like that..zzz…..(if everybody do it together,only those competance candidates can practise in malaysia)i think that is fair enough to everyone.


Janice November 23rd, 2008 12:28 am :

HEI!!! We are STILL left in limbo. there is no answer from any person at all. why the LQB keep on delay the matter. Who is the victims here? Don’t they realise? Please “BUAT KERJA”.


adrif sina December 25th, 2008 1:25 pm :

that’s the problem with the legal system in malaysia…i’m quite weird of how this course is being offered in UUM since 2003,but,until now,there is no black and white whether can we,the law students in UUM do chambering without taking the CLP?…hopefully,the responsible authorities do something in solving this problem…because we enter into this course with appropriate result…


Janice December 30th, 2008 10:56 am :

Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) had offered Law Programme (LLB) since 2003, this 4 years programme had already cover the Certificate of Legal Practice (CLP) syllabus and to put on a par with UM, UKM, UIA and UITM which means exemption from the CLP examination. On November 2007 the 1st batch of the law graduates was produced with joy. A SWEET DREAM IS SHORT-LIVED. The 1st batch Law Graduates cannot undergo their 9 months pupilage period. Things become worst on June 2008 and November 2008 the 2nd and 3rd batch Law Graduates was produced and they are facing the same problem as their senior till today.

UUM form this programme with a comprehensive plan. To become a Law graduates, ones need to undergo this 4 years programme. The Law Faculty complete the Law graduates with mock-trail practices, mooting competitions and the Law graduates will be send to participate in the Mooting Competitions or Client Counselling Competition organised by other University, so that the Graduates get the opportunities to learn from others and to be more confidence to represent other the next day.

The Programme require the students to undergo 2 times practical training during their semester break in the aim of what the students gain in lecture hall can be put into practice.

I truly appreciate the programme; it is a more advance programme than the others. The Programme completes the students with basic accounting knowledge, computer skills and management ability.
To maintain good relationship with other organisations, the Faculty hold Law Conference, Career Talk, Talk on Contemporary Issues each and every semester. Members from the Bar Council, Representatives from the AG Chambers, and Representatives from Government Organisation as well as private sectors are invited to share their experience and knowledge to the students.

BUT, the abovementioned hard works go down the ‘big’ drain. No matter how hard UUM, the Faculty, Law graduates and students try from first to last its mean nothing for the LQB. The time, money and hard works spend by the lecturers, the Government, the Law graduates and parents mean nothing to the tiger.
Imagine how much money the Government need to spend to produce a University Graduate. The University are required to follow the standard impose by the Ministry of Education and again its mean nothing to the tiger.

If there is any defect in the Law Programme why the tiger keep quite when the Faculty propose the programme to them. Since the Tiger Board is form by experienced members and always prepare to ‘BUAT KERJA’ they should suggest something. The TRUTH is the smiling tiger, hide their TEETH at the back and remain silent.Now, the Law Graduates become the ‘food’. Who is going to give concern when the Graduates’ dream becomes nightmare? The parents are sad, the graduates are frustrated. This is what the smiling tiger with ‘goodwill’ from the Tiger Board want it to be and this is a comedy for the tiger.


Malaysian December 30th, 2008 1:24 pm :

now what? so it is safer to do LLB external and UK transfer programme? Why dun the Bar council or anyone who got anything to do with CLP clarify or published their statements on the newspaper. In this case, they are more accountable if anything happens.


angel January 16th, 2009 10:07 am :

uum students were left in a doubt situation.. then wat abt the UOL external prog grads who obtained 3rd class?????????????
obtaining a 3rd class after spending thousands of ringgit and wasting 4 yrs of their life.. definitely means a full stop to their career… they are left with no other option… no CLP is allowed for them… why are they ignored


janice January 20th, 2009 11:18 am :

Bear in mind tht we enter into this course with appropriate result. each of the UUM law graduates already achieve certain standard that enable them to take this course. Hi, angle, obtaining 3rd class is none of our business, when you decide to enter this course you should prepare to work the study time you can’t even manage your own work and time and this shows in your result means you are not qualified because during the chambering period you are not deals with your own problem but the problem of your master, other senior lawyers and the clerks in your firm. you can’t manage your own things so how about other things which is not related to you.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Dear all UUM law students,

We just formed a UUM LAW STUDENTS group in Friendster. In this critical time, there is a necessity for us to hold a discussion about our law degree recognition by Legal Profession Qualifying Board and Bar Council. For your information, the recognition has been pending for more than one year.

All of you don’t look on with folded arms. Don’t stay in a ‘Comfort Zone’. Don’t think there is still a long way to go before you graduated. As you know, we are unable to pay for Certificate of Legal Profession (CLP) expensive examination’s fee. Not even say it is a piece of cake to score the examination with flying colors. If we are not exempted from CLP examination, do you think that there will be an exception for you?

Everyone please wake up! We refused to resign oneself to death for being waiting for so long! We need to come out with one solution as soonest possible. Please help us to spread this news to all of you. Ask them to join us! The only simple thing that you need to do is email, sms or call them.

Thank you so much for your effort!